At Vahan Studios, we differentiate ourselves by forging a unique understanding with our clients – we delve into their story, their legacy and, as was recently the case, the unique family dynamic that proved pivotal in the course of our engagement.
The client was a large Australian-based specialised industrial equipment company, that, while always remaining a family business since its inception over 60 years ago, had grown to a $100M juggernaut, and a pioneer of its kind, in the country. The product, technology, and service offerings had ultimately evolved to a global scale, having solved a long-standing problem in the industry. It is at this point, after the inception of our engagement, that we had learned that the founders had, in fact, decided to sell the beloved family enterprise.
Both in the course of the two-day filming process, and throughout the preceding interactions, we had gradually become privy to the unique sensibilities, cross-generational challenges, as well as the mixed, and, at times, still raw, emotions, leading up to the decision to sell. During filming, a number of off-camera conversations were mediated by our team – this proved critical in drawing out decisive, compelling content for the shoot.
The opportunity to meet, and get to know this luminous family, was, for us, both a perk of the job, and an inexorable component of our process – gently drawing out the information required through strategic questions, requesting elaboration where appropriate, and finally, editing the conversation in such a way, as to do the client’s vision absolute justice.
Fundamentally, it is for this reason that every engagement is treated as a film in its own right, with a story to be teased out and cast into the light, and, crucially, a message that both resonates and lingers.